首页 >都市言情 >起死回生大作战 > 第58小节 永不熄灭的烟花(5)

第58小节 永不熄灭的烟花(5)(第2 / 3页)

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i also ohe facespeople passing by

i see friends shaking hands saying

howyou do

they're really saying i ... i love you

i hear babies cry and i watch them grow

well i see tree'sgreen and red roses to

i'll watch them bloom forand you

and i thinkmyself

what a wonderful world

well i see skiesblue and i see cloudswhite

they'll learn much more then we'll know

and the brightnessday

i like the dark

and i thinkmyself what a wonderful world.

the coloursthe rainbow

so prettythe sky

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